Playing as Maria in Rondo of Blood spares her from Richter's overly bloody death, falling to the ground and disintegrating to nothing instead.It becomes hilarious when low on health, you lightly touch a minor enemy and get a completely over the top death. It makes strong attacks from bosses seem extra dramatic. Since Symphony (it was first used with Richter in Rondo of Blood, but this game is where it became the standard), when the main character is killed it sends them screaming into the air while they turn into a cloud of blood.It's also possible to get killed just as you trigger the elevator, which results in both the boss and Shanoa gushing High-Pressure Blood until the elevator reaches the bottom of the shaft, the animation looping for around 30 seconds. The bits are still there if you come back later. It gets even better in Order of Ecclesia, where the fight with Brachyura ends with you dropping a spiked elevator on the git, shoving him down fifteen screens of lighthouse and splattering him into a great many bits when you reach bottom.(Kill an Evil Butcher with a sword if you want to see some real gushworks.) Since then, probably because Symphony became the new model for CV games, enemies have bled profusely.

Alucard's ability to heal by absorbing blood made it necessary for lots of enemies to bleed.
#Doom project brutality 3.0 tactical mod series